Monday, March 29, 2010

First-Class Kindness

I went to the post office today to mail a bill and a great building kindness idea came to me.

It used to be that there was a contraption out front where you could insert some change to buy single stamps, but apparently coins are archaic, and that machine has been replaced with a newer model that reads debit/credit cards. The only problem is you can't buy just one stamp. The smallest denomination available is 18 stamps for just under $8. If you want to buy fewer than 18 stamps, you have to wait in line for a postman. I don't know if it was the time of day I went, or if the place is always packed like that, but the line to the counter was long. So, I did what any normal American would do in the situation... I chalked one up for convenience and bought way more than I needed.

This was when the idea came to me...

I figured that there are probably several people each day that only need one stamp, so I went out to my truck and cut three stamps from my sheet of 18. I got out three Build Kindness cards, and using some handy painters tape, I attached one stamp to the back of each card. Beside the stamps I wrote "first-class kindness" on each of the cards. I took the postage-loaded cards inside and left one on each of the package prep tables in the post office.

How many opportunities to build kindness do you pass up each day? It cost me less than $1.50 to help three people today. Can you think of other ways for using an overabundance of something to benefit others? I'd love to hear what you come up with!

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