Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day in Nashville

Yesterday I thought that it would be nice to help my neighbor lady get going off to work (if I'm being honest, she's *insert antonym for pleasant*). I live in a condo complex and each unit has its own carport space. My neighbor lady, who I'll start referring to as Annoying, normally parks her car under her carport. So, it makes perfect sense that the one week out of the entire year Nashville is expected to be buried in a blizzard, she opts to park her car in an uncovered spot.

I'm thinking to myself, "Self, I hate you. Look at her waddling around that car like a cat with tape on its paws. Go help her... No don't, you'll be stuck there all day... COME ON, JUST GO HELP HER!" So I walk over there and I'm like, "You need any help?" She started talking to me, but I hate to admit that I didn't listen; I was too busy trying to figure out the fastest way to get the snow off her car and out of her kill zone.

I started by brushing off the top layer of snow with my hands. This worked well. The snow was clearing quickly and the pain from the cold was distracting me from Annoying. Then I used an empty plastic cup from a recent Vandy game to scrape the layer of ice from the glass. I couldn't help but think how smart of a solution that was. I smiled because most Vandy fans are smart like that. Annoying saw me smile and thought it was about the conversation she was having at me. Ha.

The cup made quick work of the project, and I was relieved to have done my first kind deed. It hurt my hands and I probably set myself up for who knows how many one-sided chats with Annoying in the future, but I do feel better on the inside. That's the purpose of this whole thing anyways... to build kindness inside and out. I'm looking forward to finding something kind to do tomorrow.

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