Tuesday, March 9, 2010

New Headlight

I've been having my wife's sister, Jana, help with some painting at a house I'm remodeling. To understand Jana's panting technique just picture in your mind what would happen if you dropped a cherry bomb in a can of paint. The result is what Jana looks like when she paints. It's like she dips her hands into the paint and proceeds to get into a fight with the walls. The hard part is figuring out who won.

Anyways, Jana drives a ruby red Nissan Cube. Monday, she showed up to work in her roommate's car. My first thought was that Jana wrecked her car again. My second thought was that she opted not to drive the Cube because she was respecting my jobsite, and knows how embarrassed I get when I'm around her car.

Wrong x2.

Jana was in Kelsey's car because it had a headlight out. She said she was going to take it by an auto repair shop after work, but Kelsey could have done that without involving Jana, so I kinda figured that they had hoped I would to do it for them. Being the handy person that I am (and needing an act to build kindness for the day) I followed Jana to an O'Reilly Auto Parts and changed the light in the parking lot. I don't know how much the repair shop would have charged for the service, but you gotta figure it would have been more than the $10 a new headlight costs.

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