Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Spring Cleaning

It's about that time of year: College Basketball's March Madness! Unfortunately, that means it's also time for some spring cleaning (if there is one good thing that comes from Puxatony Phil seeing his shadow... it's the delay of spring cleaning). Boo cleaning. Yay basketball.

Anyways, for some reason I was really motivated to clean when I got home last Tuesday. Maybe the possibility that a news crew might be around shortly looking for the Penny Killer had me motivated to make the place presentable... who knows. All I know for sure it that it had been a smooth 6 months since I cleaned out my closet and things were out of control.

All and all it took me just a little over an hour to get my closet and office in order. Usually, I'm ready to crash after a cleaning endeavor of such magnitude, but because I had expected it to take longer I was still raring to go. So, I figured why not go clean out Jen's closet too? I started pulling out clothes that I hadn't seen in years and laying them on the bed. I figured that I'd do all the heavy lifting and she could just separate things into keep and don't keep piles. Ha. Bad idea... Jen was not in the mood to sort through anything, and the fact that I had everything on the one bed in the house meant she didn't have a choice if we were going to get sleep tonight.

Together, we finished the task fairly quickly (not as fast as my closet of course), and when all the cleaning was said and done, I had two bags of trash and two bags of old clothes. I took the trash to the dumpster area and the clothes to my truck. Hence forth, my act to build kindness for Wednesday was donating all of our un/little used clothing to Goodwill. Good deal.

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